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Orange Man

Rabu, 4 November 2009
Innovative & Creative Circle Unit (ICC) is the one of activities to create new thing to solved the problem in working area. As a new fasilitator i have to guide for our department group. Truely,i'm not familiar with the task but i try to handle that.

As a new member, i have to study from the basic and must know what is ICC?..For this year, we present a new innovative grilled for safety and security. The stolen cases caused once or more very year. From that cases we're trying to reduced that problem.

Our leader of Senggara group..Tengah discuss about presentation..

My ofismate likes ustaz asri..ehehehehe

Just take a minute of rest...

tengok gaya juara-juara..HEHEHEH

Geng-geng Senggara..is not similar geng2 bas sekolah...HEHEHEHE

2 ulasan to Orange Man:

mman08 berkata...

Ni semua lelaki melayu terakhir haha...but biler tgk dr jauh dh mcm d'saji caterer jer haha..by the way..semua buat yg terbaik..

et_Isaac berkata...

hahahah..memang mcm katerer kan..biasa la..last minute..hehehe

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